
Using pesticides and getting a plant protection product (PPP) to market

Latest information and advice

More pesticides guidance

  • Monitoring the impact of PPP[12]

    Arrangements to monitor the way plant protection products are used and effects they have

  • Fees for applications[13]

    When you submit an application you will be invoiced for the appropriate fee

  • FEPA and COPR[14]

    Aims and scope of the Food and Environment Protection Act and the The Control of Pesticides Regulations

  • Databases[15]

    Currently authorised products, extensions of authorisation, adjuvants and basic substances

  • Enforcement[16]

    Reporting issues and how we enforce

  • User areas[17]

    Further information for Farmers and Growers, Garden use, Members of the Public, Research

  • A-Z pesticide resources [18]

    A-Z index of pesticides website

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Link URLs in this page

  1. Pesticides: The basics
  2. Applicant guide
  3. Active substances
  4. Maximum residue levels (MRLs)
  5. Codes of Practice
  6. Product Database
  7. Consultations
  8. Adjuvants
  9. Treated seed
  10. Regulating pesticides after Brexit
  11. Contact us
  12. Monitoring the impact of PPP
  13. Fees for applications
  14. FEPA and COPR
  15. Databases
  16. Enforcement
  17. User areas
  18. A-Z pesticide resources

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Updated: 2024-05-30