The basics[1]
Pesticide products and active substances authorisation in the UK
Regulating pesticides after Brexit[2]
Pesticides regulatory regime in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Active substance approval[3]
Active substances approvals and renewals
Maximum residue levels (MRLs)[4]
Find out about MRLs, check the MRL register or apply for a new MRL
FEPA and COPR[5]
Aims and scope of the Food and Environment Protection Act and the The Control of Pesticides Regulations
Applicant guide[6]
How to place a pesticide product on the UK market
Data Requirements[7]
Analytical methods, toxicology, residues, environmental fate and ecotoxicology.
Reporting incidents and enforcement[8]
Reporting issues and how we enforce
User areas[9]
Further information for Farmers and Growers, Garden use, Members of the Public, Research
Commodity Substances[10]
Carbon dioxide, ethylene, Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate (Bicarbonate) and urea
Register work involving pesticides[11]
Who does not need to register, who needs to register and regulations
Using, Storing and Disposing of Plant Protection Products[12]
Frequently asked questions, codes of practice and reducing spray drift.
Reducing Environmental Impact[13]
Arrangements to monitor the way plant protection products are used and effects they have
Currently authorised products, extensions of authorisation, adjuvants and basic substances
Efficacy guides[15]
Evaluations and guidelines, low-risk plant protection products, testing facilities.
Contact us[16]
Contact details for enquiries
A to Z[17]
Pesticides A to Z index
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